Apples: The must-haves For Everyone

Apples: The must-haves For Everyone

Apple- that one fruit which is readily kept in the fruit basket at every home, & of course, the last resort to bust hunger. How can someone not like this fruit!

There is something in apples that make them common yet one of the most consumed fruits over the world. The very appreciable factor is the availability of these fruits in almost every region of the world. Whether Cheap ones sold at local markets, or the ones stocked at Grocery shops, or even those decorated with twigs, kept in fascinating baskets at Gourmet Groceries, Apples always find a way in every person's diet. The quality does matter, but everyone rejoices in this fruit no matter where it is sourced.

Surprisingly, there are a lot of intriguing varieties of Apples available all over the world. Some of them are Pink Pearl, Winesap, Red love, Ambrosia, Cameo, Opal, etc. They're usually cultivated in areas like Switzerland or countries of North America.

Indigenous Apples are exotic & mostly red in colour. You might have heard of Apples from Kashmir & how they're the best apples in India. But there are more varieties that you'd like to know & try.

Types of Apples that are famous in India:

Gala Apple -

Gala apples are comparatively larger in size. Both the peel and flesh of apple are sweet and juicy, marked by a floral note, making them perfect for snacks, juices, and salads. Gala Apple is the ideal apple for eating raw or consuming through other methods.

Royal Delicious -

A popular variety of Himachal Pradesh, this cultivar produces large and oblong-conical shaped apples. This dark red apple has a mild-sweet and tender flavour. It grows throughout the year and is famous for table or raw consumption purposes.

Golden Green Apple -

Golden Green or Golden Spur has a crispy flesh & tangy, juicy flavour. It hails from Himachal Pradesh. This variety is known for its notoriously sour taste that makes it different from other apples. It has plenty of Vitamin C like other Citrus Fruits, which make it reasonably good for consumption.

Health Benefits:

The juicier the apple is, the healthier it's going to be. Someone has rightly said that "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away." But is it really correct? Let's find out.

Here are some health benefits that consumption of apples accrue to a person:

  1. Good for Weight Loss-

People who stress about their weight too much & can't keep on going without munching on something tasty, Apples are like a blessing to them. The low-calorie fruit is chock-full of fibre & antioxidants that help you reduce weight. So if you think of skipping your meals someday, you can simply carry on after eating an apple.

   2.Maintain metabolism-

Apples are one of the best picks & run foods for sport freaks. The best thing about this fruit is that it keeps you energetic throughout the day even if you don't have proper meals. So whenever you forget your lunch after leaving for your office, just grab an apple & carry on.

  3.Boost Appetite-

Many times you find yourself in a situation of going somewhere to eat & you have to wait for hours to keep your stomach empty. That drains your energy levels till the time you reach & it's obviously not good for your health. An apple is the best for such situations. Just one apple will bust your temporary hunger & when you reach, you'll be able to eat again!

   4.Good for Heart-

Apples contain flavonoids that act as antioxidants & can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing “bad” LDL oxidation. Thus, regular consumption of apples decreases the chances of strokes & Minor Heart attacks.

   5.Fight Asthma-

Apples may help protect your lungs from oxidative damage. Apple skin contains the flavonoid quercetin, which can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. Thus, eating apples eases the Respiratory system & fights Asthma.

   6.Prevents Cancer & Diabetes-

Flavonoids in Apples cause the synthesis of Insulin in the body that doesn't let it succumb to Diabetes. Moreover, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of apples are responsible for their potential cancer-preventive effects.

   7.Keep your skin healthy-

Many skin products use apples as an agent for cleansing the skin & keeping it young. It's because of the flavonoids in them that perform this job. Anti-inflammatory properties of apples avoid rashes & burns on the skin, & also keep the wrinkles away, thus delivering a clear skin.


  1.How many apples do you eat a day?

Answer- Eating 2 apples a day for 8 weeks has impressive results on health, like slashing Calories & thus reducing Bad Cholesterol.

   2.Is apple seed good or bad?

Answer- Swallowing or chewing on Apple seeds isn't a big deal. Apple seeds have a substance named Cyanide that can be detoxified by enzymes in the body. But larger amounts can be dangerous.

   3.Should you eat apples with the peel or without the peel?

Answer- Some people peel apples for comfort, while some do it thinking the peel is not nutritious. But it is wrong. An unpeeled apple has nearly double the fibre, 25 per cent more potassium and 40 more vitamin A. Thus, you should eat unpeeled apples.

Bottom Line

Now that you've learnt a lot about apples, then you'd conclude that Apples are incredibly good for you, and eating them is linked to a lower risk of many major diseases, including diabetes and cancer.

Another factor is its soluble fibre content that may promote weight loss and gut health.

A medium apple equals 1.5 cups of fruit — which is 3/4 of the 2-cup daily recommendation for fruit. So whether making juice or just eating it raw, Apple is a must-have on your plate.

Buy apples online

The types of Apples mentioned above are all available from Haryali. Buy spotless, Handpicked apples from Haryali.

Choose the best, choose from Haryali!


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